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To Everything There Is a Season

We are down to our last 300-400 packets. Please let us know if you or any other person(s) or entities in your area of Vermont would like some of these. At this point in time, we do not plan on another printing.

We delivered seeds packets this morning for every student in Hardwick Elementary School and bulk seed for Woodbury Elementary School, and Lakeview Elementary School. Thank you for joining in this act of solidarity.

We also have received support from Community National Bank. They are in the process of making a generous contribution to our work and also requested 130 seed packets. Each of their employees in their many bank branches will be given a packet.

This solidarity action will move into the next phase which is planting and nurturing our collective sunflowers. The last phase for this year will be to collect and archive the stories and photos from around the state in late summer and fall.

Who knows? Perhaps this will be the beginning of a new tradition in Vermont.

Thank you to everyone in every corner of the state who has joined with our efforts. We are at 10,000 packets and countless bulk seeds shared. We look forward to tours around the state creating a photographic archive of our collective actions. Please plan on helping us in this effort by sending us your local stories and photos.

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