At this point we have purchased 15 lbs (approx. 408,000) Autumn Beauty multi-branching sunflower seeds in bulk to be broken down into smaller amounts for schools, churches and other organizations who will be taking action in their own Vermont communities. We will provide our VPSU custom seed-packet envelopes to any of these groups who join us and request our seeds and materials. Our supplies are dependent upon future donations and our ability to source seeds. One cup of seed will fill approx. 192 packets at 40 seeds /1/4 teaspoon per packet. (1/2 cup = 92 packets) We will either deliver seeds and packets in person or though USPS.
Today we have packed 200 packets to put in all House and Senate mail boxes at the Capitol on Monday. We will also leave one with Gov. Scott, Lt. Gov. Gray and Ag Commissioner Tebbetts. Each seed packet will be attached to a VPSU rack card. *Update - These were delivered to the Sergeant of Arms office this morning. 4/4/22.
As of this morning VPSU has made an "Invitation-to-Join-in-Solidarity" outreach to every public and private school in Vermont. That was a huge task. We have also been asked to participate in another radio show. TBA.
We have had several very generous donations through PayPal. Thank you to all, big or small. It matters. It will allow us to purchase more seed for more requests. Let's paint the Vermont landscape with our show of beauty and solidarity. Imagine what it will look like this summer and fall.
If your school or organization chooses to participate, please give us official notification. We would like to keep building out our list of supporters. Consider sharing photos or copy us on the online stories that you may post on your own communication platf

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