At the March 17, 2022 Selectboard meeting, the board voted unanimously to support the Vermont Plants Sunflowers for Ukraine project. Chairman of the board, Eric Bach, stated that the Danville Village Improvement Society was already working on getting artificial sunflowers into the center median flower barrels through the center of town as soon as they thaw. We will also we planting sunflowers at the old railroad station on the Peacham Road, a trail head for the Vermont Valley Rail Trail and decorating the town hall in the middle of town with sunflowers with real and artificial sunflowers. We will try and source sunflower seeds locally, then Harris Seeds, where they are donating their proceeds to support the Ukrainian efforts.
We will also be posting the links to the project to get the word out to area businesses and residents to do the same.
would like to show all the support that they can for the people of Ukraine during this devastating time.
Wendy Somers, Town Clerk
Town of Danville, VT