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Children Praying for Children

The war in Ukraine is raging and the atrocities against Ukrainians continue. Among the tragedies is the illegal and forceful abduction of Ukrainian children into the Russian federation. More than 20,000 Ukrainian children have been abducted according to the Ukrainian government. The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA) has taken on an initiative to help bring these children back to their rightful families. Their work with Congresswoman, Susan Wild of Pennsylvania succeeded in the passage of H.Res.149. The bill condemns the illegal abduction and forcible transfer of children from Ukraine to the Russian federation.

To further promote and bring awareness to this tragedy, the UNWLA is organizing a children’s prayer service, to mark International Children’s Day which falls on Saturday, June 1 st of this year. All children will be invited to come and pray for the children of Ukraine. Ukrainian Saturday schools will be engaged. Participation is not limited to Ukrainian children alone. We are asking the Ukrainian communities to reach out to their local UNWLA branches for guidelines for the “Children Praying for Children,” initiative, and help promote this important event. I am attaching a Flyer, for you to include in your community newsletter.


Marta Fedoriw, Chair

Return Ukraine’s Children


Children Praying for Children
Children Praying for Children

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